Please help!!
After begging my sibblings for twenty years to give me my share of my mother property by partition, in 2012 Ethiopia calander, I got a court decision to get my share by partition. The property is 3000m2 and if the rest of 4 sibblings agree among themseves they have enough space together to do what they want. I am emotionelly and psycologically tormented for not wanting to sell with them. I live as if I am a prisoner. I am blocked to reach to authorites again and again.
I beg your help to get what rightfully is mine!
Please help!!
After begging my sibblings for twenty years to give me my share of my mother property by partition, in 2012 Ethiopia calander, I got a court decision to get my share by partition. The property is 3000m2 and if the rest of 4 sibblings agree among themseves they have enough space together to do what they want. I am emotionelly and psycologically tormented for not wanting to sell with them. I live as if I am a prisoner. I am blocked to reach to authorites again and again.
I beg your help to get what rightfully is mine!
ሰላም ኤፍ ኤም ሸገር ጉዳዩን ማጣራት እፈልጋለሁ የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ነዋሪ ነኝ ከሙሉ ፋብሪካው በፊት ያለ ምንም ምክንያት በኔ ስር ለ1 ወር ንግዱ ተዘግቶ ስለነበር ለ2 ሳምንታት 5000 ብር ተቀጥቶብኛል